Tuesday, May 31, 2016

34 weeks.

How far along? 34 weeks
Total weight gain: 16 pounds, but I haven't been on the scale. I will be at my OB appt this week so next week will have an updated weight gain.
Maternity clothes? After attempting to dress this bump for yet another week at work, I was eye-balling these shorts sitting on the chair in my bedroom.. for half a second I thought "how bad would it  actually be if I wore shorts and a tee shirt to work?"  I also thought that maybe my yoga capris would be a step above the shorts.. and then put on the same maxi skirt I wore three times the week before and called it a day. Besides I'm counting down the days of work left and we're at 23!
Sleep:  Sleep is pretty good. I've started to toss and turn a lot more and wake with back pain, but it's not awful and I'd rather deal with that than insomnia like I hear so many more experience.
Best moment this week: by far was the long weekend! I needed it, I'm telling you I think the world would be a better place if 3 day weekends were a permanent thing.  
Miss Anything? Its been a good week.. nothing to complain about! 
Cravings: I feel like my cravings are subsiding. Although the today I was hungry all day and couldn't figure out what I wanted to eat so I ate a bunch of random stuff and ended the day with an ice cream cone and all was well with the world.
Symptoms: No real complaints.
Looking forward to: Marking things off our summer 'to-do' list before baby boy arrives. We've gotten a few more things checked off the list this weekend.  My baby shower is this weekend so I am SUPER excited about that! I am so looking forward to getting all of his this set up! Mostly because I want to start working with our dogs and getting them used to all the new gadgets around the house before we add a whole new person to the mix, because lets face it they are our whole world currently! I mean I even let Fitzgerald use my snoogle...

I still cannot believe I am going to have a tiny person to wear this in just a handful of weeks.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

33 weeks + baby boy update

How far along? 33 weeks
Total weight gain: 16 pounds
Maternity clothes? yaaas.  Whatever fits and isn't constricting the belly is what I'm going with.  A maxi dress or skirt have been my go-to for work attire.  Again- comfort is what I'm going for.  If a top or pants are too tight I am absolutely miserable. I have a pair of white maternity capris I have been dying to wear-after Memorial day of course!
Sleep: I sleep really well for the most part - but with the size of this belly and my lack of strength to flip over and backward easily, finding comfort has been tough. I have very few nights where I don't sleep well. The wacky dreams have been interesting though. It always leaves for interesting breakfast conversation. It could also be the chocolate cake I happened to eat before breakfast.
Best moment this week: Of course it had to be seeing our little guy! I could lay on that table all day and stare up at the black and white screen. I get totally fascinated by this little life on the inside. We watched as he yawned and stuck his little tongue out and kicked me of course.
Miss Anything? Complete comfort in all aspects.  My belly gets in the way of everything.  Putting on my shoes with ease is non-existent.. and bending over to pick basically anything off the floor is a case for falling head first due to the gravitational pull of the universe or taking a solid 5 minutes to recover from.  
Cravings: Summer fruit of all kinds, freezing cold water, popsicles, two at a time, I've also been wanting sweet tea :X its this summer time craving! Bring on all things summer! I have really been wanting everything on the grill, chicken, vegetable, pizza on the grill-anything!      
Symptoms:  Its official: heartburn stinks.  Pair it with reflux and I'm on edge more than any other time during this pregnancy. 
Baby Boy Update
We had another ultrasound this past week and baby boy is proving that his 2 vessel cord means nothing! We are so grateful! He is in the 70th percentile (measuring a week ahead) and weights about 5lbs. 
We are so blessed.
I mean look at that profile, he is just the cutest thing. Daddy is pretty sure he looks like me.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

32 weeks.

How far along? 32 weeks
Total weight gain: +16 lbs
Maternity clothes? For sure, and often:)  what I have realized is that I am able to wear some non-maternity maxi dresses comfortably, and that is always a plus in expanding what seems like such a limited wardrobe of maternity in the first place.  At 32 weeks I'm fully embracing the fact that I'll wear whatever fits. 
Sleep: Yes. Yes. Yes.  I am having sleep trouble just 1-2 nights a week. I have noticed that is normally when I have done too much throughout the day and I'm just sore. I am a notorious stomach sleeper, and if I arrange the snoogle pillow just right, I can sleep soundly and nearly 'on my stomach' for most of the night.
Best moment this week: Our church threw us a 'Soon to be 3' luncheon this past weekend and it was so sweet thinking that we are so close to meeting our little one and getting to share him with everyone we love so dearly! 
Miss Anything? I cant say that I am missing anything. I actually think I may be forgetting what it's like to NOT be pregnant.
Cravings: The usual hasn't changed much from last week: Carbonation. Summer fruit. Chobani yogurt, cereal. Ice cream and Popsicles. I seem to have a daily food ritual.
6am: Cereal
9am: (I am starving again) so it's normally a granola bar and a granny smith apple.
12pm: lunch 
2pm: fruit
4pm:yogurt (I'm seriously starving by this time again)
6pm: dinner
8pm-9pm: fruit, ice cream, or Popsicles or all three or at least two of the three 

Symptoms:  Heartburn is officially the most annoying pregnancy symptom, ever.  It has come full force this week.
Looking forward to: This week we have our 2 week Dr. appt and our monthly ultrasound and I CANNOT wait to see this baby boy AGAIN! The anticipation is killing me. I can never get over how amazing it is to just watch him on that little ultrasound screen. Soaking in these last (7) weeks have become really important to me.  I had a wave of anxiety when I realized how quickly this pregnancy has flown, but the excitement of having him here has been on my mind constantly!  We are making plans to enjoy these last few weeks and even better making a small summer bucket list for once he gets here! we had to cross the beach off the list even though I tried convincing David of cheap September rates, he was not buying it!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

31 weeks + a mini getaway

How far along? 31 weeks.
Total weight gain: 13+ pounds (I haven't been on the scale this week)
Maternity clothes? You bet ya.  I have fully embraced maternity clothes after attempting a pair of non-maternity jeans just for kicks.. with the whole hair-tie trick- and it just doesn't work any more.  The hair-tie trick ended about 5 weeks ago for me. 
Sleep: I am sleeping so good, I'm honestly waiting for it to get worse but I'm sleeping great. Once I finally find the sweet spot for sleeping soundly, it doesn't take me long before I am out cold. I'm not napping anymore so bedtime comes early. 
Best moment this week: David surprised me on Friday after work with a little weekend getaway that included a pregnancy massage and let me tell you just getting to lay on my belly was relaxing enough. We ended Mother's Day weekend by spending Sunday just enjoying my momma. 
Miss Anything? Its been a pretty great week!  I cant say that I am missing anything.
Cravings: The usual: Carbonation. fruit. I'm really wanting juicy watermelon- I am on the lookout! Cereal. Yogurt. Banana Popsicles. Green apples with peanut butter and mini choice chips is my current favorite snack along with a KIND bar.
Symptoms:  The occasional heartburn is happening. I wake up starving every morning at 6am like clockwork. I've also been feeling a lot of pressure lately, but other than all that since starting on more vitamins I've been feeling great!
Looking forward to: It is so hard to believe that we have 8 short weeks (or less!!) before we meet this sweet little boy.. Dreaming about it everyday- it is all I can think about. 

Pictures from our little mini getaway (we sure are thankful for great friends that helped orchestrate such a great time for us. Thanks Timmy and Garett!)

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

30 weeks pregnant. 10ish weeks till baby boy. 8 weeks til maternity leave.

How far along? 30 weeks
Total weight gain: 13 pounds. It's all catching up and I'm feeling it. I gave myself a 20b limit and I'm getting close LOL Luckily my sandwich craving has curbed!
Maternity clothes? All the way.  Im all about maxi everything these days.  When I am not forced into real clothing for work - I have been living in yogas and shorts and pajamas
Sleep: Sleep was not so good there for a week or so I was waking with Charlie horses and bone and muscle pain, but since starting some extra vitamins I have been feeling great! Little man is just starting to suck me dry of all the good stuff so I'm trying to keep up with him. Which makes me glad that he is growing!
Best moment this week: Hmm.. so many things.  So many moments.  That moment when you realize that you are in the single digits until you meet your sweet baby (NINE WEEKS! these posts are a week behind).. yea I had that this week. I also got to hear his heartbeat- 134bpm and 'perfect'.  
Miss Anything? Not this week.
Cravings: Anything carbonated, which I am trying to stop because I was never a pop drinker before and thats all I want now. So I've been trying to drink carbonated water..def. not as great as the dr. pepper and root beer I'd rather have. I need to start getting into that post baby weight loss mind set anyway...slowly but surely. I'm still all about cereal, strawberries, blueberries..I may or may not have consumed two whole containers in one sitting, and now banana popsicles.
Symptoms:  The exhaustion comes and goes.  Some days I feel great and other days I am feeling like I just cant even get out of bed not matter how much I have rested and slept the night/day before. Saturday I woke up feeling like I didn't even sleep that night and I slept the whole night through. The past two days I have felt great! Thank you vitamins.
Looking forward to: I feel like its crunch time now for me, this pregnancy has went so fast. I really expected it all to go so slow but it truly has flown and I feel like  I need some things to slow down so I can catch up especially when the exhaustion hits.