Friday, December 9, 2016


So here we are, 5 months in, and what social little boy Canaan is becoming. He is incredibly aware of his environment and surroundings these days, which is fun and challenging all at the same time. As I prepared to write this post, I started looking through pictures of his birth and first months. My how much these little babies change in such a short time! 
I remember when Canaan was only a week old thinking about how I wish he’d stay this little forever, but I can honestly say that every month just keeps getting more and more fun. I’m really hoping this continues forever. or until he turns 14 and inevitably decides I’m no longer cool. 
Can we skip that part?

Canaan at FIVE months
We went for out FIVE month shot appt today, but we have no stats to report until next month.


 whats new..

  •  I cant believe we are already to that point!  He was born like three days ago..
  • Reaching out/grabbing and holding onto things.  He has really gotten great at this.  He is so interested in everything in eyes very- alert and exploring.  
  • I've noticed his face lights up when David,  or I enter the room or his line of sight. He is still a social little boy and wants to be in the mix of everything all the time- so when we leave he is noticeably upset, depending on what he's doing or his mood. 
  • Teething...I mentioned this last month!  drool.slobber.everywhere.  There are no visible signs of teeth, but David said he can kinda feel a little something. He certainly isn't upset about them though.  I'm tempted to try the amber necklaces- truthfully I am skeptical. Maybe.
  • Noticing his hands, feet, etc.  He will put his hand out in front of him and stare in amazement as he moves it's so cute!  His feet are his favorite toy right now.  He has been grabbing them for about a month, but never really started using them to his advantage- he rocks back and forth while holding both of her feet- and will give it a good swing to help push him on over to his tummy.
  • We have a rolling babe!  Back to tummy and tummy to back.
  • Airplane.  He's not crawling yet but he will lift his whole chest, arms and head/neck off the floor and kick and scoot his legs like he wants to go somewhere. 
  • Canaan is in size 2 diapers, wearing mostly 0-3, 3-6 months.

LOVES his paci!
LOVES the swing, although he has been getting in it less and less because we have transitioned naps to the crib and the swing does the trick every time so we try to reserve that for when we are desperate for him to nap.
LOVES to swing his toys.
LOVES to eat!!
LOVES to hold hands when he eats.
LOVES to be carried in the solly wrap, ergo, or anything he can get a good view.
LOVES to give kisses, he thinks its hilarious.LOVES, LOVES a bath.

HATES when we walk away.
HATES the carseat- but only about 30% of the time these days!

I'm still exclusively breastfeeding when I am home and he gets two bottles of breast milk during the day when I am at work.  He sleeps and eats and plays around the same time every day.  3 hours is the normal between feedings, eating 5 to 7 times every day.  The usual 'scheduled' feedings: 3:30 am-5am every morning when he wakes and then 8am, 11-12pm, 3-4pm, 6p, 8pm before going down for the night.  MOST of the time we hit this schedule pretty well- and for the most part I like the stick to it pretty strictly during the week because at the 11-12p and 3-4p he gets a bottle and I pump while at work and then I am able to nurse him when I get home at the 4pm feeding.
He hasn't started solids yet and we don't plan to until 6 months but he is definitely showing a clear interest in food, watching us eat and reaching out for cups, bowls, etc.  I've been reading up on baby led weaning and really really considering it with him when the time comes.

This boy LOVES to play.  A few weeks ago we got him the Fisher Price Step and Go Piano and he LOVES it, he can spin around and slide in it and make music, he plays his little heart out in it! He loves the lights, the sounds, and the fact that he can stand on his own to play.  His favorite thing to do is stand on his little legs.  If not standing, he's kicking or grabbing his toes - he LOVES his feet!  He is fascinated with them!  While he found them last month, he has really made them into a toy this month.  Reaching for toys and playing contently.  He will sit in his bouncy seat or on the playmat and play and explore his surroundings for 20 and up to 30 minutes!  I have gotten good at getting the kitchen straightened up, or getting ready for the day, and a load of laundry in the wash while he gives me that time.  
 Since he mastered the roll he rarely stays put on her back for long.  If I lay him down he flips right over almost immediately.  This is making diaper changes fun!  For the most part everything goes straight to his mouth- we have a few favorite toys, and love basically anything that makes noise or has lights!


 Most nights he will sleep 8pm-3:30am eat and then back to bed until 7 or 8am. We have a pretty regular bedtime routine since moving him into his room earlier this month (!!!) so going down isn't a problem at all- its the staying asleep part that got hairy when we transitioned, but I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and the good nights far out weight the bad.  He naps well during the day if he is at home. - usually around 9:30m-10am for about an hour and then again around 1pm for an 2 hours.  Sometimes he will nap for about 30-45 minutes around 6pm- just long enough to get through dinner, but that nap is hit or miss. Occasionally he will cat nap if we are out and about but always gets a solid nap in his bed at least once a day. 

Bed time routine looks a little something like this:
8pm: warm bath, bubbles + soaking in the tub
8:20pm: jammies and lotion 
8:30pm: nurse
8:45pm-9pm: bed

Since he's been rolling over, he will sleep on his tummy AND on his side.


What a beauty you are, little boy.  If you would have asked me last month about the leaps and bounds of change you would be making that next month I wouldn't have been close to describing how much personality you have come to develop.

You have found your feet/toes and they are your most favorite 'toy' on this planet.  You can lay in a pile of rattles, stuffed animals, squeaky toys, and light up activity- but be completely content with your little feet.  In fact, you are pretty content with most things.  You will play by yourself for 20-30 minutes, babbling to your toys or playing with your feet.  You mastered the back-to-tummy roll and now want nothing to do with laying on your back for play time.  As soon as we lay you down you are already busy maneuvering your way to your tummy to grab everything within arms reach- and then of course put it in your mouth.   
The smile that lights up your face when you hear my voice or see me across the room- it just incredible and so beautiful.  You basically smile with your entire face- and its not just your mama that sees this.  You are all about being in the middle of the crowd, the center of attention, and involved in whatever is going on around you- You cannot stand to be left out.  I'm certain I gave birth to the happiest baby on the planet. Strangers often comment on your expressive eyes, and blonde hair.. and fall to putty when their words bring out the best grin they've ever seen.  I have a feeling that you'll be using that to your advantage in the years to come.   

You are just too cute for words.  My little boy.  
You cannot and will not ever understand the crazy love I have for you, baby boy.

f i v e month photo d u m p

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Saturday, December 3, 2016

Hospitality Gone Wrong

tis the season to be hospitable...

One of the things I love most Christmas is we tend to be more open and welcoming to family and friends than any other time of the year. We blow up air mattresses for out of town guests, we bake, we clean, we decorate, and we host. 
All this is good!
Sometimes we tend to think of hospitality as a character trait only for those with natural Martha Stewart-like capabilities, but its not, its for us too! Whether we have Martha Stewart capabilities or not.

Romans 12:13 " to show hospitality."
1 Peter 4:9 "Show hospitality to one another..." BUT THERE IS A CATCH

What is hospitality?
The definition I like the most reads "providing a soft place to land in a world that is often hard to take."

The Bible speaks of hospitality several times and encourages us to practice hospitality especially to those who being to what Galations 6:20 calls "the household of faith."--->  other Christians.

Lets get real though, the cookies don't bake themselves, guests make messes, they upset routines and I am the Queen of Routine. They give us the overwhelming urge to dust baseboards. Christmas parties and dinners take a lot of time, money, and effort. Martha Stewart makes it look easy.

I don't know about you but as I seek to be more hospitable to others I tend to be inhospitable toward members of my own family. I bark orders to my husband, I sigh heavily at the false pretense that no one but me is doing any of the work. I grumble about money spent, the time invested, the floors that need swept.

1 Peter 4:9 "Show hospitality to one another without grumbling" 

When I make my home an inhospitable environment(hostile, cold, unwelcoming) for the people I love most in order to make it welcoming to others I am missing God's heart for hospitality. 

Yes, invite people over to your home. Yes, provide warm meals. Yes, create a soft spot for others to land, but do it without grumbling.

A peaceful home flows out of a peaceful heart.

Colossians 3:23-24 "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that form the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Jesus Christ.

This is a great mantra for the holiday season if you're looking for one.

The goal of hospitality is not to win a prize for cleanest home, best meal, or coziest bed.

The goal is to demonstrate Christ's love in practical and tangible ways, Since He is the One we are ultimately serving, in order to demonstrate true hospitality. 
But before we go looking for a family member to take in or a charity to donate our time and money to lets start with those closest to you. 

How can you demonstrate hospitality to your husband, your children, your co-workers? Do that confidently  first!

Give with a happy heart!

A store bough pie served with a smile is of much greater value than a homemade one made through gritted teeth.

Don't work to earn gold stars and "oohs" and "aaahs" this year

Work to put Christ on display.

Monday, November 14, 2016


Another month has quickly passed us by.  His bright eyes and the animation that fills his face when he locks eyes with someone he loves (which seems to be everyone these days..) is just nothing that can be put into words.  This month has been A BLAST!  As much as I miss his teeny newborn self, I have really enjoyed experiencing his growth, development, and explosion of his personality come through.  This boy is basically smiling 100% of the time.   As if his gummy grin from ear to ear isn't enough- his smiling eyes will get you right in the feels.

We went for Canaan's 4 month well visit first thing this morning and my how much this sweet boy has grown!  Dr. Tony was impressed by his rolly polly legs and double chin(s).  We have a healthy baby boy on our hands.

Canaan at FOUR months
Weight:  13 pounds 3 ounces (7% percentile)
Birth: 6 lbs 9 oz
Height: 25.5 in (61% percentile)
Birth: 19.5 in
Head: 41.5 cm (41% percentile)

Sweet boy had his 4 month shots(well 1/2 of the 4 mo. shots) and took them like a champ!  He barely cried, make it easier on mama! I know having his daddy holding him helped a ton. 

 whats new..
His belly is about to bust out of size 1 diapers so we are finishing up the open packs we have and will be switching soon to size 2.  He still wears 0-3 month clothes (Gap + Old Navy + Children's Place), but the 3 month Carter's sleepers are getting a touch too short for him. It won't be long before he's wearing the larger sizes.  I am absolutely loving his chubby self, though.  
Keep growing, big boy!

We have officially been giggling and belly laughing for mommy and daddy and we can't get enough of it! Canaan does this raspy inhale when he is really happy or finds something amusing, its hilarious. Boyfriend also growls...i know.  We roll consistently now from belly to back once he has had enough of the tummy time, but we have only rolled from back to belly once.

LOVES to look at himself.  A reflection, the mirror, at the phone.  He studies himself and lets out a cough/laugh/giggle with the biggest grin on his face.  He's got one strong selfie game!
LOVES Veggies...Yes, Veggie Tales.  He hollers at the television any time he sees them - and again with the crazy inhale  thing he does.
LOVES the bumbo seat.  He sits so confidently in that seat.  He holds his core and head up well enough to be comfortable and not completely squished like last month.  He also loves it because its the best seat in the house.
LOVES his wubby - but still cant figure out that when he grabs the elephant the pacy part comes out of his mouth. We get so mad.
LOVES being outside.
LOVES looking at books.
LOVES bath time.  He has started to kick kick kick his feet in the water.  Add in a little arm flailing and mama is soaked and he's a happy boy.
LOVES to be worn in the solly wrap. This was also a life saver with our quick weekend travel trip out of town.
HATES being alone.  This social baby is incredibly happy, but when he doesn't have anyone in his line of vision he gets pretty uptight and fusses a little until he is reassured someone is there.
HATES hateshateshates the carseat.  still.
I'm so thankful the LOVES outweigh the HATES:)


As you can tell from this boy's growth since birth and even since last month, he's an incredible eater. We are going to start bumping her bottles up to 4 ounces during the day.  He's only getting  two bottles a day, twice a week while I'm away and the rest of the time he's exclusively nursing.  The other days maybe one or none depending on my schedule.  He eats about every 3-4 hours and waking about 4:30am to eat, 8am before I leave for work, 12-1pm, and then about 4pm when I get home.  Occasionally he has been known to sleep through that 8am feeding:)  Then its 7pm after we all eat dinner, and then he's down for the night by 9pm. 
 Even though he is getting just a couple bottles during the day- my nursing sessions in the afternoon with him after I get home have become longer and more drawn out.  Normally when I nurse him before bed he will sleep at least 7 hours before waking for the first time.  The bond I've developed with Canaan has been tremendously sweet. Sometimes he acts like a wild man and is super frustrating but that is usually when a growth spurt is happening.  He plays with my hair or my necklace while he nurses and I absolutely love spending that time with my sweet boy. So thankful I have been able to nurse him as long as I have.
P L A Y // D E V E L O P M E N T 

Canaan loves to play this month!  I have really noticed a change in his observance of the hanging toys on the play mat as well as his banana teether LOL. He has mastered the grasping of toys and once he gets ahold of the toy it goes straight into his mouth.  EVERYthing goes into his mouth these days.  He found both his feet and his hands this month and has one or the other in his mouth at all times.  No signs of teeth just yet, but we are approaching the stages, I think.
He has become very aware of his surroundings.  Responds to someone calling his name, dad's voice, mom's voice.  He loves to be close and loves to be cuddled, only by mama though.
I sort of love it.
The drool and spit bubbles have started and I'm making use of the drooler bandana bibs more than I thought I would. Im about to make another purchase SOON
He rolls from tummy to back.  He hasn't mastered moving that arm out of the way, to roll the other way so he ends up hanging out on his side.

S L E E P 

Naps are pretty consistent at 2 times throughout the day.  He gets a long nap late morning/early afternoon usually 3 hours and then he will take a mini nap, about an hour for me in the late afternoon/early evening. We start our bedtime routine at 8 with bath and nursing and then he is usually asleep by 8:45 and he will sleep for me until 3:30/4:00/4:30 around one of those times and then he goes right back to sleep after nursing and then will wake for the day around 7:00/7:30/8:00 depending on when he woke during the night.


 What a big BOY you are, sweet one!  I've absolutely loved seeing your amazing personality shine this past month!  You have a smile for everyone you see and we can't help but smile back at is 100% contagious.  You are contagious.  Everyone seems to fall in love with you the moment they lock eyes.  You are still quite the talker, whether it be to people, your toys, mama or daddy, and especially the ceiling fan.  Occasionally you'll have me locked in a gaze, grabbing my arm as if to say "what I'm about to say is very important, mama!"  You also love to chat me up while nursing, which is adorable but makes feeding slow.  I do wish I knew what exciting stories you were sharing.  
You have discovered both your hands and your feet this month and are chewing away on your fingers and toes constantly.  When your hands aren't in your mouth they are holding your tiny feet.  You also graduating to size 2 diapers!  That belly of yours is out.of.control. and it takes everything I have not to blow raspberries all over your tummy anytime its peeking out from your shirt or during diaper changes. You are so very precious when it comes to how loving your personality has become.  It is my absolute favorite when you pull me in as close as possible and whale your raspy voice in my face.  Hands down some of my favorite moments with you, my sweet boy.  
A few weeks ago you rolled over from your stomach to your back!  I'm not sure who was more shocked, you or your mama!  But I was sitting right there to witness it and it was the greatest feeling ever.  I was so proud and cheered you on to do it over and over again.  You've rolled several times since and are now trying to roll from back to stomach.  No luck yet(just once)...not until we figure out that pesky arm in the way.  

Your legs are so strong!  You love to stand on our laps and can do it for quite awhile.  You are just so cute, Canaan!!

I'm am positive that I kiss your sweet cheeks a thousand times a day.  You put up with my silly voices, my bouncing around, and my constant snuggles well and give me the biggest grin every.single.time.  I wish you weren't in such a hurry to grow up because I sure do love this stage with you, baby boy.

 my funny boy

Daddy's boy


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