Thursday, July 30, 2015

The 9 best things about being an aunt

1. You have an excuse to buy the cutest baby items and not feel an ounce guilty.

2. Your phone is filled with cuteness galore and you take any chance you can get to show them off.

3. You get to spoil them.
P.S. I had more fun!

4. You get to do kid stuff again.
Tea party for 2

5. At least one person thinks you're the coolest.

6. You don't have to worry about the rules.
Who says a 2 year old can't have iced coffee?!
Chocolate at 10pm- No problem
Breakfast in bed-of course!

7. You have a shopping buddy for life.

8. You have a mini-me.

9. They don't mind sharing.
Oh wait that was my plate.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Clean eating: Chicken and wild rice stuffed peppers.

Chicken and Wild Rice Stuffed Peppers

Chili Lime seasoning
Garlic powder
2 Chicken Breasts
3 Bell Peppers
1 medium tomato
1 small onion
5 oz. wild rice
Mozzarella or Cheddar cheese or both

Cut, clean, and rinse your bell peppers. I cut mine longways to fit more in. While I was doing this I had my chicken, sprinkled with chili lime seasoning (mine is from Pampered Chef) and garlic powder, baking at 350 degrees for 25 min.
Cut and clean out your peppers

Chicken and Wild rice mix
Once your chicken and wild rice is cooked separately, shred your chicken and combine with wild rice. Cut up your tomato and onion and onion and combine into your chicken and rice mixture as well.

Once you have combined all your ingredients you can stuff your peppers and then sprinkle with a little or a lot of cheese and bake for 15 min at 350 degrees, or until your pepper is cooked through.


Monday, July 27, 2015

Photo every hour

Morning coffee
Oh you know, just shopping for houses
9am every morning, THE life!
In the right jar, lemon juice, water & sugar can taste like HEAVEN.
My suntanning beauty
Catching up on some reading, MADE TO CRAVE, Will be blogging through this book shortly.
Pool time

Nothing was really happening between 2pm-3pm everyday
Selfies before heading out every evening.
Some BROADWAY at the Beach fun.
BBQ House, LOVE me some Carolina BBQ
Watching David and Ken on the Skywheel.
Ending every evening with ICE CREAM.

We didn't really divert from this routine each day and I LOVED it! Still trying to figure out how this can be my life EVERY day! Working 51 weeks a year to have just 1 week off just doesn't seem quite right!!

Pin this (Why we don't need "women's" ministry)

I love planning events and take pride in decorating and crating cute ideas and I won't lie Pinterest is a big help and feeds my passion for things like that. The world gives us so many GREAT ideas, but we don't need this.
We should be desiring authenticity, community, and vulnerability not life hacks from Pinterest. We are suffocating in cute tablescapes and bright crafty things and drowning in the desire for real community with one another.
We show up to these fun ladies events and we leave grasping for more, or we leave feeling a little empty and it's the same event after event.
The women of our world aren’t looking for a safe place to cry about housework and ooh-and-ahhh over centerpieces. Not all are mothers, some of us work outside the home, some of us have kids, and others don’t or won’t or can’t. Womanhood is not only about wifehood and motherhood. We’re not all in the same season of life. We are – or should be – diverse image bearers of a Perfect and Holy God.
We need Jesus. We are seeking deep spirituality. We are seeking women to walk beside us. We are hungry for true community, a place to tell our stories and listen to another, to love well. But above all, point me to Jesus–not to the sale at the mall.
Are we sharing what the one true God has to say or are we sharing what we read in the latest blog post on a topic. Do we head to our Bibles to find true counsel or do we Google and Pinterest the topic the first?
You know what I desire for women's ministry instead of crafts or a new recipe? I would like to see women pray together, not just at an event but on the phone in the middle of traffic. I would like to see the women of the church share their stories or wisdom with one another when another lady is struggling not just offering up an "I'll pray for you," or "it will be ok, have faith, trust the Lord." Stop right what you are doing and pray, help her work through scripture and studying the Bible TOGETHER!
 I would love to wrestle with some questions that don’t have a one-paragraph answer in your study guide. I want us to sign up to take a meal to the elderly or make care packages for a new baby or be informed about issues in our community where we can make space for God to allow us to reflect His image. I would like to organize and prioritize, and to disturb the peace of the rest of the world on behalf of justice, truth, beauty, love and what the Word of God says we should stand against and not accept. I’d love to hear the voices of women in our church, not just mine constantly.
Please let's stop treating women’s ministry like a safe club for the ladies to play church.
We are smart. We are brave. We should want to change the world. Let's run marathons to benefit our sisters, not so that we can lose weight. We have more to offer to the church than our decorating skills and our ability to use Pinterest and Google. I look around, and I can see women who can offer strategic leadership, wisdom, counsel, and even, yes, teaching. We need to give and serve and make a difference. We should desire to be challenged. We should read books and talk politics, theology, and current events. We need to listen to each other. We should be worshipping, we should be interceding for our sisters and weeping with those who weep, rejoicing with those that rejoice, to create life and justice with intention.
Let’s be a community of women, gathered together to live more whole-heartedly, to sharpen, challenge, love, and inspire one another to then scatter back out to our worlds bearing the mandate to be women that love. Idelette McVicker wrote: 
Let us RISE to the questions of our time.
Let us SPEAK to the injustices in our world.
Let us MOVE the mountains of fear and intimidation.
Let us SHOUT down the walls that separate and divide.
Let us FILL the Earth with the fragrance of Love.
Let us be women who Love.
Don't worry I'm not giving up Pinterest.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Waffle B.L.T. and my homemade waffle recipe!

1 3/4 c. of flour
   2 tsp. of baking powder
1/2 tsp. of salt
2 tbs. of sugar
1 1/2 c. milk
2 eggs
1/2 c. canola oil
if i'm making breakfast waffles I add 1 tbs of vanilla ext.

Top your waffle off with a little B(turkey bacon). L.T.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

A calling.

The feet of missionaries and church planting wives are honoring the calling of God in their lives.

Oprah once said "...honor your calling. It's why you were born and how you become most truly alive." Now I wouldn't call myself an Oprah fan, she never gave ME a car, but she made a very accurate statement above.
I get questioned a lot on how I "manage" everything I do, between having a career, obtaining my Masters degree currently, keeping up with having a home, and being a pastors wife. I don't know if I would call it "manage" or "balance". I seem to relate better to exhaustion and there are moments when I have sat and watched it all crash down around me and I fail to die to my flesh.
Even in the midst of total exhaustion and chaos at times there is rest and peace in my soul. This rest and peace I find in my soul is because I am honoring the call of God in my life to be who HE made me to be, and there is still grace that comes in the chaos because of my obedience to Him. I can't give you a rule book for "balance" or calling, and neither than anyone else. Run after your calling and I promise he will give you grace and peace, and rest for whatever He has called you to do. Obedience to Him brings more blessings than you can imagine.
The Lord has called me to be the wife of a church planting Pastor, and others may look at us and invite us to speak as missionaries, but we feel totally unworthy, this is our life. We get to serve God, we would be doing it regardless if we had a church to shepard over or not. It is incredible how the Lord puts a call in your life and how he grows and develops the calling in your heart. He has given me desires that I never dreamed I would have. We got to be instruments for Him in starting a church and now it is infectious in my soul. I found myself washing dishes the other day asking my husband "How many churches do you think we can plant in our life time?!" We then began dreaming of our next church plant. We want to be a church that plants churches. His call in our lives, has become our greatest desire-fulfilling it.
2 Timothy 1:7-9 says For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me His prisoner, but share with me in the sufferings for the gospel according to the power of God, who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began,
Paul writing to Timothy verse 9 "but according to HIS own purpose" not Jessica's purpose or (insert your name) purpose, but HIS purpose. We have a holy calling, pursue it, run with it, embrace it, live for it. You will be most fulfilled and satisfied when you do!